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The ec command installs a self-hosted Palette Enterprise Cluster (EC) in your target environment. The installation is conducted through an interactive wizard that guides you through the various install configurations available. A local kind cluster is created to facilitate creating the Enterprise cluster in the target environment. You do not need to install kind or any other dependencies. The CLI includes all the required dependencies to set up the kind cluster. You can use the ec command to install a self-hosted Palette instance or a self-hosted VerteX instance.

The ec command exposes the following subcommand.

  • install - Install a Palette Enterprise Cluster through an interactive wizard. A container runtime is required to install an EC cluster.


  • Docker is required to install a PCG cluster. Refer to the Docker documentation to learn how to install Docker on your system.


The install subcommand installs a Palette Enterprise Cluster in your target environment. You can install Palette or Palette VerteX using the install subcommand. The install subcommand can be used in interactive mode, which prompts you for required values. Alternatively, you can use flags to generate a configuration file.

Short FlagLong FlagDescriptionType
-f--config-fileInstall using a configuration file (optional). Use -config-only to generate a configuration file.string
-o--config-onlyGenerate configuration file only. This command will not proceed with installation.boolean
-v--custom-values-fileEnterprise Cluster custom values.yaml configuration file (optional). Use this to customize the cluster profile of the Enterprise Cluster. Refer to the custom value file section for more information.string
-p--update-passwordsUpdate passwords only. Do not proceed with installation. The --config-file flag must also be provided.string


Install an Enterprise Cluster in interactive mode.

palette ec install

Create a configuration file for the Enterprise Cluster installation.

palette ec install --config-only

Install an Enterprise Cluster using a configuration file. The configuration file is generated using the --config-only flag.

palette ec install --config-file ~/.palette/ec/ec-20230807143205/ec.yaml

Update the passwords of an Enterprise Cluster using a configuration file. The configuration file is generated using the --config-only flag.

palette ec install --config-file ~/.palette/ec/ec-20230807143205/ec.yaml --update-passwords

Custom Value File

You can customize the Cluster Profile that makes up the Enterprise Cluster by providing a custom values.yaml file that contains values for the various Cluster Profile layers that make up the Enterprise Cluster. The custom values.yaml file is used to customize the Enterprise Cluster to your specific needs. This is an advanced feature and should only be used by advanced users or when explicitly instructed by our support team.

The values.yaml file is made up of the following components:

  • os The operating system layer of the Enterprise Cluster. This layer contains the values for the operating system that will be used to install the Enterprise Cluster.

  • k8s The Kubernetes layer of the Enterprise Cluster. This layer contains the configuration values for the Kubernetes cluster that is created as part of the Enterprise Cluster installation.

  • csi The Container Storage Interface (CSI) layer of the Enterprise Cluster. This layer contains the configuration values for the CSI driver that is used to provide persistent storage to the Enterprise Cluster.

  • cni The Container Network Interface (CNI) layer of the Enterprise Cluster. This layer contains the configuration values for the CNI driver that is used to provide networking to the Enterprise Cluster.

  • mgmt The management layer of the Enterprise Cluster. This layer contains the configuration values for the internal management components of the Enterprise Cluster.

    You can provide one or more layers in the values.yaml file. When you provide a layer configuration, the new configuration will be used instead of the default configuration. For example, if you provide a custom values.yaml file that contains the os layer, it will replace the default operating system configuration. The Enterprise Cluster profile as follows The values.yaml must use the following format:

os: |-
# ... values.yaml for OS layer go here.
k8s: |-
# ... values.yaml for K8s layer go here.
csi: |-
# ... values.yaml for CSI layer go here.
cni: |-
# ... values.yaml for CNI layer go here.
mgmt: |-
# ... values.yaml for spectro-mgmt layer go here.

The following example shows a custom values.yaml file that contains the os layer. The os layer contains the configuration for the operating system that will be used to install the Enterprise Cluster.

os: |-
- echo "Executing pre kube admin config commands"
- update-ca-certificates
- "systemctl restart containerd; sleep 3"
- 'while [ ! -S /var/run/containerd/containerd.sock ]; do echo "Waiting for containerd..."; sleep 1; done'
- echo "Executing post kube admin config commands"
- targetPath: /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/mycom.crt
targetOwner: "root:root"
targetPermissions: "0644"
content: |